
If you have any questions or would like more information, reach out to:

Piper Veloso

Available Positions

    • Executive teams consist of a President, VPSA, and VPOPS

    • Represent the interests of ASUS & Arts & Science students at AMS Assembly: the highest legislative body within Queen’s University student government

    • Represent the interests of first-year Arts & Science students at AMS Assembly: the highest legislative body within Queen’s University student government

    • Advocate for Queen’s students with your seat on University Senate, Arts & Science Faculty Board and ASUS Assembly

    • One position is a two-year term

    • Act as a link between your peers and ASUS at Assembly: the highest legislative body of the Society

    • Act as a link between your peers and ASUS at Assembly: the highest legislative body of the Society

    • Act as a link between your peers and ASUS at Assembly: the highest legislative body of the Society

    • Vote on ASUS Assembly motions and participate in discussions in accordance with the needs of International Students

Winter Elections

Useful Links

Our Chief Returning Officer, Allen Zha, can answer election questions and address general concerns. Contact Allen at

Our Chief Electoral Officer, Simon Paterson, ensures that the elections process abides by all relevant policy by making decisions and rulings on election complaints. Contact Simon at

Visual Identity Standards

Visual Identity Standards